NZ school system not making the grade
As the 2025 schoolyear kicks off, a slew of problems for students, teachers and the government. Audio
The real change in education
Out with Reading Recovery; in with structured literacy. There's a big change coming for New Zealand's young readers Audio
Green learning hub grows on red zone land
School students are helping turn quake-damaged red zoned land green again at the Climate Action Campus in Ōtautahi/Christchurch.
Parenting: Teaching Te Reo Maori in schools
Mohamed Alansari, senior researcher for the New Zealand Council for Educational Research joins Kathryn to talk about how to improve outcomes for growing Te Reo Maori in schools. Which schools are… Audio
How young is too young to talk politics? Campaign sees kids get a chance to vote
How young is too young to talk politics? Well you may be surprised. As part of a Save the Children campaign, close to two thousand primary students from 25 schools will cast their votes ahead of the… Video, Audio
Outrage as vape store opens near primary school before law changes
A lag in new laws means a vape store's able to set up metres from a Hastings primary school just weeks before a rule change that would scuttle it. And it's outraged some community members. They say to… Video, Audio
Cellphone ban in schools: does it work?
National says if it becomes the Government, it will regulate all schools to ban cellphones all day in classrooms and in the playground. Leader Christopher Luxon says this will lift achievement by… Audio
Research connects mental health and poor education outcomes as school counsellor shortage bites
A critical shortage of qualified counsellors has prompted the Government to expand the pool of those eligible to fill the positions in its Counsellors in Schools programme. It now includes equine… Audio
Cyclone taking toll on Hawke's Bay school kids
Hawke's Bay schools are noticing the toll Cyclone Gabrielle has had on their students. Teachers say behavioural problems are up, and attendance is down. Every time it rains, families keep their… Audio
New vape stores banned from opening near schools, marae
New vape stores will be banned from setting-up within 300 metres of schools or marae under a government crackdown to stop young people getting hooked.
From August it will start phasing out cheaper… Video, Audio
Are foreign students coming back?
The pandemic smashed the international education sector - but are foreign students returning to our shores? Audio
Engineering students helping to restore drinking water
A group of student engineers at the University of Canterbury have recently returned from a trip to install drinking water systems at Tongan schools. Tim Dunshea was one of the engineering students… Audio
Counting success: How a South Auckland school switched up maths and got results
At Manurewa West Primary School the standardised maths assessment was rewritten to reflect real-life contexts and cultures of the school, student achievement has shot through the roof. The driving… Audio
Maria Foy on school absenteeism
Forty percent of NZ parents are comfortable with their child missing a week or more of classes each term, according to a new study. Happy Mum, Happy Child website founder Maria Foy talks through the… Video, Audio
School trustees: What happens when a board fractures?
It's one of the most significant democratic processes in the country, so why don't we know more about school board of trustee elections? Audio
A unified approach to head injuries
Thousands of Kiwi kids are concussed playing sport every year, but our rules for treating them aren't up to scratch. Audio
How road traffic noise affects children's cognitive development
Traffic noise at schools has a detrimental effect on the development and working memory and attention in primary school students, new research out of Barcelona has found. Researcher Maria Foraster led… Audio
School counts cost of coaxing kids back to class after Covid-19
Fed up with students not turning up, an Auckland college has hired attendance navigators and taken out radio ads to try get kids into the classroom.
New PPTA numbers show 60,000 students are missing… Video, Audio
Govt sending nearly a million RATs to schools, ECEs
Families will soon be able to get rapid antigen tests from schools and early childhood centres.
The government is providing nearly a million RAT kits in a bid to keep education going as the Omicron… Audio
Education Minister visits Wellington school as Covid surges
The country is ending the week with more record numbers from the Covid outbreak.
New community cases announced today were almost double yesterday's figure at just over a whopping 12,000 and the… Audio