Treaty Settlements
Iwi to meet to clear overlapping Treaty settlements
Three iwi will meet to discuss their issues with the government's approach to settling Treaty claims in areas with overlapping interests.
Hawke's Bay hapū settlement goes ahead
A treaty settlement signed by several Hawke's Bay hapū is said to be sound, despite three of the seven hapū involved in the settlement refusing to sign.
Possible breakthrough in Ngapuhi Treaty settlement stand-off
There's been a possible breakthrough in the long stand-off over who should negotiate the Ngapuhi Treaty settlement. Audio
Mana, power, prestige and millions await Ngāpuhi negotiators
Analysis - A glimmer of light shone down the long Ngāpuhi settlement tunnel last year - but now, Mihingarangi Forbes writes, the country's largest iwi is wondering what went wrong.
Treaty Settlement stories preserved
New Zealanders who've been involved in negotiating treaty settlements, or whose lives have been affected by them, are sharing their stories for a national research project. The Ministry for Culture… Audio
Iwi, hapū at odds over urban board seat
Urban Māori representation is the last sticking point in the stand-off over who gets to control Ngāpuhi's settlement.
Changes signalled for Ngāpuhi treaty negotiations
A draft report is pushing for the country's biggest iwi to change the way it is negotiating its troubled Treaty of Waitangi settlement.
South Taranaki hapū fears losing remaining lands
A South Taranaki hapū says its historical treaty claims are about to be settled despite the fact it hasn't negotiated anything with anyone. Audio
Court action to clear up overlapping Treaty claims
High Court action's been instigated to clear up overlapping Treaty claims on Auckland. Audio
Focus on Politics for 5 February 2015
It's been 175 years since the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, and the Crown and Maori are still grappling with what it means and how the agreement should be honoured. Audio