Treaty Settlements
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei- the tribe that won't wait
Where does all that treaty settlement money go? We look at how one iwi is using it to lift the health and welfare of its people. Audio
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei- the tribe that won't wait
Where does all that treaty settlement money go? We look at how one iwi is using it to lift the health and welfare of its people.
AudioThe treaty settlement that blows up the Moriori myth
This month's Treaty settlement with Moriori does more than right wrongs - it sets the official record straight. Audio
The treaty settlement that blows up the Moriori myth
This month's Treaty settlement with Moriori does more than right wrongs - it sets the official record straight.
AudioThe Negotiators, The Spy and The Hunters
Film and TV reviewer Tamar Munch looks at Maori Television's slick production The Negotiators, the true story of Israel's most prominent spy Eli Cohen and The Hunters, a series based on a 1996 Swedish… Audio
The Negotiators: The ordinary Kiwis who took on the Crown
Over the past 20 years nearly two and a half billion dollars ($2.5b) has been paid by the Crown to settle historical claims under the Treaty of Waitangi.
The claims by Maori mainly centre on… Audio
Ngāpuhi Treaty deadlock shows no sign of breaking
The deadlock over Ngāpuhi's treaty negotiations shows no sign of breaking - with people leaving a series of hui over the weekend frustrated and without resolution. The Treaty Settlements Minister… Audio
Settlement signed despite protest
Cries of "traitor" rang out as angry scenes erupted outside Parliament before a controversial treaty settlement was signed today. Video, Audio
Hawkes Bay hapu finalise treaty settlement
A group of hapu, left virtually landless by the crown, have come to the end of a long battle to finalise their treaty settlement. More than four hundred people from Heretaunga Tamatea in the Hawkes… Audio
40th anniversary of Bastion Point protest removal
Forty years ago tomorrow, police and army personnel were called in to remove more than 200 people who were occupying Bastion Point. Those involved in the protest reflect on the anniversary, and warn… Audio
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei urges Little to wait for Supreme Court
The Minister of Treaty Negotiations is having to wrestle with the contenious issue of overlapping and competing Treaty claims. A hikoi calling for the Crown to recognise tikanga in the treaty process… Audio
Ngāti Rangi to sign treaty settlement deed
The iwi which stretches from the southern slopes of Mt Ruapehu to Waiouru, Ohakune and Taihape, will receive $17 million in compensation. Te Manu Korihi reporter John Boynton reports. Audio
Govt pays $370m to Ngāi Tahu, Tainui Treaty settlements
A relativity clause in Ngāi Tahu and Tainui's Treaty settlements means the government is likely to make further big payments to them as more iwi settle their claims. It was revealed yesterday the… Audio
Pressure on Māori MPs to deliver in new govt
The pressure is on for all Māori MPs in the new government to deliver changes that were promised during their election campaign.
Waiariki: the Te Wero debate
Candidates for the Māori seat of Waiariki discuss regional development, water ownership, Treaty Settlements and the support the Māori Party has given to a National government. Audio
Te Ikaroa-Rāwhiti: the Te Wero debate
Candidates for the Maori seat of Te Ikaroa-Rawhiti debate welfare, health funding, the Ture Whenua bill, Treaty Settlements and boot camps during the run-up to the General Election. Audio
Te Tai Hauāuru: the Te Wero debate
Candidates for the Māori seat of Te Tai Hauāuru debate water rights, seabed mining, homelessness, economic policies, welfare and Treaty settlements. Audio
Ngāti Tūwharetoa sign treaty settlement with Crown
The government has signed a Deed of Settlement with Ngāti Tūwharetoa in Taupō.
Iwi mark start of Mt Taranaki treaty negotiations
The fate of the landmark is the final step in settling all historical negotiations between Taranaki's eight iwi and the Crown.
Local board fights Pt England development
Local representatives in east Auckland have joined opposition to a 300-house development planned for reserve land.