Yes, your kids are turning your hair grey
Science commentator Siouxsie Wiles joins Kathryn to look at experiments in mice which has shown stress does result in grey fur, leading researchers to believe they've figured… Audio
Burnout linked to potentially deadly irregular heartbeat
A new study suggests that you could be at a higher risk of a potentially fatal heart flutter if you are suffering from vital exhaustion or burnout. Study author Dr. Parveen Garg from the University of… Audio
Don't let the stress of Christmas overwhelm you
Christmas can be stressful - gifts, family time, cooking - but you must remember to step back, have some perspective and breath, an editorial in the New Zealand Herald urges. Audio
Why Christmas songs could be bad for your mental health
People who claim hearing Christmas music - especially well in advance of December - does their head in mightn't be that far off the mark. Dr. Linda Blair joins the show to explain why these tunes… Audio
Why you turn the radio down while trying to park your car
Ever wondered why you instinctively turn down the radio while you're trying to park? It has to do with the demands on our ability to concentrate, and the limitations of the human brain. Dr. Simon… Audio
How to deal with end of year stress
As the countdown to Christmas intensifies many people are finding themselves under increasing pressure and stress. Neil McGregor works as a consultant at Human Synergistics and has some tips to help… Audio
Survey of NZ small business wellbeing shows troubling signs
Forty per cent of Kiwi small business owners feel running a small business impacts negatively on their mental health, while another 40% don't feel responsible for their staff's wellbeing. Xero's Craig… Audio
Yes, wisdom and happiness really do come with age
Dilip Jeste is a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at UC San Diego and director of the UCSD Center for Healthy Aging, and he's challenging people to take another look at their perceptions of… Audio
What science can teach us about happiness
Yale University psychology professor Laurie Santos teaches the university's renowned happiness course. She offers up a few small things that can help bring more happiness to our everyday lives. Video, Audio
Confronting the epidemic of stress and anxiety in girls
Studies confirm that anxiety levels have skyrocketed in girls. Dr. Lisa Damour's new book Under Pressure looks at why this is happening. Audio
Dr. Alex Pang: Getting more done by working less
Dr Alex Pang is the author of the best-selling book Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less. He explains why Darwin was a slacker and you probably should be too. Audio
Shane O'Mara: walking can help combat depression
Neuroscientist Shane O'Mara is an avid walker who has just released a new book that is something of a hymn to the most basic of exercises, In Praise of Walking. He joins the show to discuss the… Audio
It's in your head: ideas for treating insomnia, anxiety and depression
Dr Giresh Kanji has spent a decade exploring stress-related conditions and how to fix them. His interest was piqued by his own childhood trauma that led to nearly 40 years of stress symptoms. Audio
Bob Harvey: Laughing your way to happiness
Today is World Laughter Day, and a unique Laughter Yoga event will take place in Auckland. Bob Harvey is a certified trainer of Laughter Yoga Leaders and joins the show to explain what Laughter Yoga… Audio
Confidence Crisis in Dairying
A Waikato farmer and former farming leader Malcolm Lumsden says 50 percent of the dairy farmers in his district want to leave the industry. He says paperwork, a fear of prosecution and a back-lash… Audio
Dr Linda Blair: Tips for staying calm
Psychologist Dr Linda Blair says the latest internet fad of folding washing is pure nonsense. She speaks to Jim about real ways of restoring calm to stressful lives. Audio
The university club lending a hand to Canterbury farmers
Six uni mates in Canterbury were looking for a way to support farmers under stress... so they set up Handy Landys. It's now a fully functioning club at Lincoln University with more than 50 members. Audio, Gallery
Under-pressure: why are you stressed?
New research shows workers in the Netherlands are the least stressed in the world, Australia comes in second. Younger people and women were more stressed in the workplace, as were those earning big… Audio
Katharina Weischede: slimy business
Katharina Weischede is a slime princess with a successful business. The 11-year-old Auckland schoolgirl is an internet sensation with her slime-making videos and sells her slimy wares around the… Audio