- Aaron Smale
- Aaron van Delden, Local Democracy Reporter
- Adam Burns, Reporter
- Adam Burns Allied Press, Journalist
- Adam Dudding, Contributing author
- Adam Goodall
- Adam Hollingworth
- Adam Jacobson, Reporter
- Adam Roberts
- Aden Miles Morunga, Local Democracy Reporter
- Adriana Weber, Emergency Services Reporter
- Aimie Cronin
- Alex Ashton
- Alex Behan, Music 101 producer/presenter
- Alex Coogan-Reeves
- Alex Johnston, Contributor
- Alex Ker
- Alex McKewen
- Alex Perrottet, Checkpoint reporter
- Alexa Cook, Hawke's Bay and Tai Rāwhiti reporter
- Alexander Bisley
- Alexander Robertson
- Aleyna Martinez
- Alice Angeloni, Local Democracy Reporter
- Alice Harbourne
- Alice Murray, RNZ Music digital producer & AK team leader
- Alice Neville, Digital Journalist
- Alisha Evans, Local Democracy Reporter
- Alison Ballance, Senior Producer
- Alison Hossain
- Alka Prasad, LDR South Auckland
- Ally Garrett
- Amanda Fisher
- Amanda Gillies
- Amber Craig
- Amelia Langford, Digital Reporter
- Amelia Nurse
- Amelia Rose Reynolds
- Amy Maas, Auckland Bureau Chief
- Amy Williams, Journalist
- Ana Tovey
- Anan Zaki, Business reporter
- Anastasia Hedge, Senior producer, Checkpoint
- Anders Crofoot
- Andre Chumko
- Andrew Geddis, Contributor
- Andrew McRae, RNZ World Watch
- Andrew Parker
- Andrew Williams
- Angie Skerrett
- Anna Bradley-Smith
- Anna Chinn, Bulletins Editor
- Anna Jackson-Scott
- Anna Loren, Digital Journalist
- Anna Pearson
- Anna Sargent , Reporter
- Anna Whyte
- Annabel Hawkins
- Annabel Kean
- Annabella Gamboni
- Annabelle Dick
- Anne Marie May, Journalist
- Anneke Smith, Political reporter
- Anthonie Tonnon
- Anusha Bradley, Investigative Reporter
- Anya Tate-Manning
- Ashleigh McCaull, Journalist
- Asia Martusia King
- Ati Teepa
- Bailey Brannon
- Barry Guy, Sports Reporter
- Baz Macdonald
- Bea Taylor
- Belinda McCammon, South Island Bureau Chief
- Bella Craig, Digital Producer/Reporter
- Ben Allan
- Ben Strang, Reporter
- Benedict Collins, Political Reporter
- Benjamin Devine
- Benjamin Robinson-Drawbridge, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Bernadette Carreon, RNZ Pacific Palau Correspondent
- Bethany Tiddy
- Bevan Rapson, Contributor
- Bill Hickman, Journalist
- Billie Pryde, Digital Journalist
- Blessen Tom, journalist
- Bonnie Bryant
- Bonnie Harrison, Producer of The Detail
- Brad Hemingway
- Brad White
- Brendon McMahon, Local Democracy Reporter
- Brent Edwards, Contributor
- Brenton Vannisselroy, Sports Journalist
- Briar Lawry
- Bridget Mills, Journalist
- Bridget Reweti
- Bridget Tunnicliffe, Sport Journalist
- Bridie Chetwin-Kelly
- Bridie Witton
- Brittany Mackie
- Brooke Jenner , Journalist
- Caitlin Te Tai
- Caitlyn Gribbin
- Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Callum Roberts
- Carla Green
- Carla Penman, Auckland Police Reporter
- Carol Hirschfeld
- Catherine Hutton, Senior Reporter
- Cathy Walshe, Journalist
- Catriona MacLennan
- Ceinwen Curtis, Journalist
- Charles McGuinness
- Charlie Dreaver, Journalist
- Charlotte Cook, Journalist
- Charlotte Curd
- Charlotte Graham
- Charlotte Graham-McLay
- Charlotte Jones, Local Democracy Reporter
- Charlotte Mulder, Producer
- Charlotte Ryan
- Checkpoint
- Chelsea Thomson
- Chelsie Preston Crayford
- Chessie Henry
- Chev Hassett
- Chloe Ranford, Local Democracy Reporter
- Chris Bramwell, Deputy Political Editor
- Chris Gilbert
- Chris Parker
- Christine Rovoi, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Christine Rush
- Claire Adamson
- Clarissa Dunn
- Clay Wilson, Sports Reporter
- Coco Lance, RNZ Pacific Digital Journalist
- Colin James, Political Analyst
- Colin Peacock, Mediawatch Presenter
- Conan Young , Reporter
- Connor McLay, The Detail contributor
- Cosmo Kentish-Barnes, Producer
- Craig Ashworth, Local Democracy Reporter
- Craig McCulloch, Deputy Political Editor
- Craig Norenbergs, Acting Executive Editor Specialist News
- Craig Stephen
- Damien Adams
- Damien McGuinness
- Dan Dalgety, Journalist
- Dan Fraser
- Dan Kelly
- Dan Satherley
- Dan Slevin, Film Reviewer
- Dana Johannsen, Sports Correspondent
- Daniel Clarence
- Daniel Gilhooly
- Daniela Maoate-Cox, The House journalist
- Danielle Clent, Journalist
- Danielle Street
- Darian Woods
- Darryl Baser
- Dave Hansford, Science and Environment Writer
- David Bell
- David Cormack
- David Crawford
- David Hill
- David Slack, Contributor
- Davina Zimmer, Associate producer for The Detail
- Dean Bedford
- Deborah Russell, d.f.rusell@massey.ac.nz
- Delphine Herbert, senior reporter
- Demelza Leslie, Senior Political Reporter
- Denise Garland, Senior Journalist
- Devon Bolger
- Di White
- Diane McCarthy, Local Democracy Reporter
- Dijana Damjanovic
- Dita De Boni, Contributor
- Dom Thomas
- Dominic Godfrey, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Don Braid
- Don Rood
- Doug Brooks
- Dr Cherie Lacey
- Dr Frances-Rose Schumacher
- Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw
- Dr Katie Bruce
- Duncan Greive
- Duoya Lu, journalist
- Dylan Cleaver, Contributing author
- Dylan Moran
- Eamonn Marra
- Eddy Kerr-Hislop
- Eden Fusitu'a, Social Media Journalist
- Edward Gay, Court Reporter
- Edward O'Driscoll, Journalist
- Eileen Cameron, Auckland Bureau Chief
- Eleanor Wenman
- Eleisha Foon, RNZ Pacific Senior Journalist
- Eli Kent
- Eli Matthewson
- Eli Orzessek
- Elizabeth Beattie
- Elizabeth Brown, Journalist
- Ella Stewart, (Ngāpuhi, Te Māhurehure, Ngāti Manu) Longform Journalist, Te Ao Māori
- Elle Hunt
- Ellen Falconer, Digital Journalist
- Ellen O'Dwyer
- Ellen Rykers, Assistant Producer
- Ellie Jay
- Elliott Samuels
- Eloise Gibson, Climate Change Correspondent
- Eloise Sims
- Emile Donovan, Co-host of The Detail
- Emily Ireland, Local Democracy Reporter
- Emily Menkes
- Emma Adams
- Emma Andrews, Henare te Ua Māori Journalism Intern
- Emma Beals
- Emma Harcourt
- Emma Hurley
- Emma Ricketts
- Emma Smith
- Emma Stanford, senior reporter
- Emma Taylor
- Eric Frykberg, Reporter
- Erin Kavanagh-Hall
- Eru Rerekura
- Eugene Bingham, Contributing author
- Eva Corlett, Reporter
- Eveline Harvey
- Evelyn Orpe, Producer and digital content assistant, Music 101
- Evie Orpe
- Ezra Simons
- Farah Hancock, Data journalist, In Depth
- Felicity Monk
- Felicity Monk , Contributor
- Felicity Reid, Sports Journalist
- Felix Desmarais, Local Democracy Reporter
- Felix Walton, reporter
- Fenton Dyer
- Fern Seto
- Finlay Macdonald, Contributor
- Finn Blackwell, Reporter
- Finn Teppett
- First Up
- Fleur Rodway
- Francis Cook, Digital Journalist
- Frank Rogers
- Gabrielle Mentjox
- Gael Woods
- Gamaliel Ramos Oliver
- Gareth Thomas
- Gary Taylor
- Gaurav Sharma, senior journalist
- Georgina McLean, Senior Digital Journalist
- Georgina Stylianou
- Gia Garrick, Political Reporter
- Gianina Schwanecke, Producer/Presenter
- Giff Johnson, Editor, Marshall Islands Journal / RNZ Pacific correspondent
- Giles Dexter, Political Reporter
- Gill Bonnett, Immigration Reporter
- Glen Larmer
- Glen Scanlon, Contributor
- Glenda Wakeham
- Grace Tinetali-Fiavaai, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Graeden Meek
- Graeme Acton, Foreign News Editor
- Graham Smith, Digital Journalist
- Grant Chapman, Digital Sports Journalist
- Greg Dixon, Contributor
- Greg Roughan
- Guy Montgomery
- Guyon Espiner, Investigative reporter, In Depth
- Gwen Mcclure
- Gyles Beckford, Business Editor
- Haden Gilgen
- Hamish Bidwell, Sport contributor
- Hamish Parkinson
- Hannah Banks
- Hannah Herchenbach
- Hannah Ross
- Harriet Robinson , reporter
- Harrison Pali
- Harry Lock, Reporter
- Hayden Donnell, Mediawatch producer
- Henrietta Bollinger
- Henry Acland
- Henry Cooke
- Henry Oliver
- Hewitt Humphrey
- Hilaire Bule, RNZ Pacific Vanuatu correspondent
- Hilary Beattie
- Hugh Lilly
- Hugo Cameron, Journalist
- Hussein Moses
- Hye Ji 'Erica' Lee
- Ian Griffin
- Ian Telfer, Otago-Southland Reporter
- Indira Moala
- Indira Stewart, First Up presenter
- Isabel Dayman
- Isobel Ewing
- Isra'a Emhail
- JR McLeod
- Jack Barlow
- Jack Price
- Jackson Payne, Digital Journalist
- Jackson Wood
- Jake McKee, reporter
- James Baker, Digital Journalist
- James Beavis
- James Borrowdale
- James Greenland
- James Nokise
- Jamie Tahana, Māori News Editor
- Jamie Wall, Digital Sports Journalist
- Jana Te Nahu Owen
- Janie Cameron
- Jasmyn Paul
- Jazlyn Whales
- Jean Edwards, Reporter
- Jemima Huston, Business reporter
- Jemma Brackebush, Reporter
- Jenny Meyer
- Jenny Ruth
- Jeremy Brick
- Jeremy Rees, Executive editor of business, economics, sport and rural
- Jeremy Rose
- Jeremy Wilkinson
- Jeremy Wilson
- Jess McAllen
- Jessica Hopkins, Auckland reporter
- Jessica Keane
- Jessica McAllen, Casual digital journalist
- Jessica Roden, Morning Report Producer
- Jessie Chiang, Reporter
- Jessie Curran, Digital Journalist
- Jihee Junn
- Jimmy Ellingham, Checkpoint reporter
- Jo Holsted
- Jo Moir, Political Editor
- Jo O'Brien
- Joanna MacKenzie, Reporter
- Joanna Mathers
- Joanne O'Brien, Waikato, Bay of Plenty Reporter
- Joe Connell
- Joe Nunweek
- Joe Porter, Sports Reporter
- Joe Shaw
- Joelle Dally, Senior Digital Journalist
- Jogai Bhatt
- Johannah Katene-Burge
- John Bollen
- John Boynton, Te Manu Korihi Reporter
- John Campbell, Checkpoint Presenter
- John Daniell, Contributor
- John Edens, Auckland Bureau Chief
- John Gerritsen, Education correspondent
- John Hartevelt, Executive Editor, Investigative & Longform Journalism
- John Lake
- John Pilley
- Johnny Blades, Journalist
- Jon Johansson, Contributor
- Jonathan Foster
- Jonathan Leask, Local Democracy Reporter
- Jonathan Mitchell, Journalist
- Jonathon Edwards
- Jonty Dine, Sports Reporter
- Jordan Dunn, Reporter
- Joseph Harper
- Joseph Moore
- Joseph Romanos , Columnist
- Judah Finnigan
- Julia Hollingsworth
- Julian Vares
- Julie Cleaver
- Juliette Sivertsen
- Justin Gregory, Senior producer, podcasts & series
- Justin Latif, Local Democracy Reporter
- Justine Murray, Senior Podcast Producer
- Kadambari Raghukumar, Producer
- Kahu Kutia
- Karen Brown, Health Correspondent
- Karen Gregory-Hunt
- Karen Mangnall
- Karoline Tuckey, Journalist
- Kate Baker
- Kate Green , Reporter
- Kate Gregan , reporter
- Kate Gudsell, Environment Reporter
- Kate Judson, RNZ intern
- Kate King, Journalist
- Kate Newton , Senior Journalist, In Depth
- Kate Robertson
- Kate Shuttleworth
- Katie Doyle
- Katie Fitzgerald
- Katie Kenny, Digital Explainer Editor
- Katie Parker, Digital Journalist
- Katie Scotcher, political reporter
- Katie Todd, Senior Journalist
- Katie May Ruscoe
- Katy Cox
- Kauri Hawkins
- Keiller MacDuff, Senior reporter
- Kelvin Anthony, RNZ Pacific Lead Digital and Social Media Journalist
- Keri Welham, Reporter
- Kerris O'Donoghue
- Kete Books
- Kevin Ikin
- Kim Baker Wilson
- Kim Baker-Wilson
- Kim Campbell
- Kim Griggs, Morning Report Deputy Editor
- Kim Pflaum
- Kim Savage, Senior Business Journalist
- Kimberley Collins
- Kirsten Johnstone, RNZ Music reporter / producer
- Kirsti Whalen
- Kirsty Frame, Social issues reporter
- Kirsty Johnston, Senior journalist
- Koro Vaka'uta, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Kris Taylor
- Krystal Gibbens, Journalist
- Kymberlee Gomes, Digital journalist
- Laine Moger
- Lamia Imam, Contributor
- Lance Cash
- Lara Jones
- Laura Bootham, Arts, Culture & Entertainment reporter
- Laura Dooney, Reporter
- Laura Keown
- Laura Shipley
- Laura Smith, Local Democracy Reporter
- Laura Tupou, Reporter
- Laura Vincent
- Lauren Baker, Journalist
- Lauren Crimp, Reporter
- Layla Bailey-McDowell, Māori News Journalist
- Leah Damm
- Leigh-Marama McLachlan, Māori News Correspondent
- Leilani Momoisea
- Leith Huffadine, Digital Journalist
- Lena Hesselgrave
- Leonard Powell
- Leonie Hayden
- Leonie Pihama, contributor
- Lewis Holden, Contributor
- Lexie Kirkconnell-Kawana
- Liam Swiggs , Social Media Journalist
- Libby Kirkby-McLeod, Reporter
- Lice Movono, RNZ Pacific correspondent in Suva
- Liling Tan, New York Correspondent
- Lillian Hanly, Political reporter
- Linda Hall, Hawkes Bay LDR
- Lisa Tweedie
- Liu Chen, journalist
- Liz Banas
- Liz Garton
- Logan Church , Checkpoint video journalist
- Lois Williams, Local Democracy Reporter
- Louis Collins
- Louise Burston
- Louise Sutherland
- Louise Ternouth , Checkpoint reporter
- Louise Wallace
- Loulou Callister-Baker
- Lucy Corry
- Lucy McSweeney
- Lucy Smith
- Lucy Xia
- Lucy Zee
- Luka Forman, Journalist
- Lukas Nguyen
- Luke McPake
- Lydia Anderson
- Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Lynda Chanwai-Earle, Producer
- Mabel Muller, social media journalist
- Mackenzie Smith
- Madison Reidy, Business reporter
- Maggie Tweedie, Producer
- Mahvash Ikram, First Up senior producer
- MaiLynn Stormon-Trinh
- Maia Hart, Local Democracy Reporter
- Maia Ingoe, Journalist
- Maja Burry, Rural reporter
- Malcolm Brabant, BBC Foreign Correspondent
- Mandy Te
- Marcus Anselm, Local Democracy Reporter
- Marcus Stickley
- Maree Mahony, Digital Journalist
- Margot Staunton, Senior Journalist
- Maria Mo
- Marika Hill
- Marika Khabazi
- Mariner Fagaiava-Muller, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Mark Rabago, RNZ Pacific Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas correspondent
- Martin Cuddihy
- Mary Afemata
- Mary Argue, Reporter
- Mary Baines
- Mary-Margaret Slack
- Matai O'Connor, Journalist
- Matariki Williams
- Mathew Nash, Sports Contributor
- Matt Atkinson
- Matt Chatterton, Digital Journalist
- Matt Harnett
- Matthew Hooton, Contributor
- Matthew Hutching, First Up set up producer
- Matthew McAuley
- Matthew Rosenberg, Local Democracy Reporter
- Matthew Scott
- Matthew Theunissen, First Up producer
- Mava Enoka
- Max Frethey, Local Democracy Reporter
- Max Harris
- Max Rashbrooke
- Max Towle
- Maxine Jacobs , Reporter
- Meg Williams
- Megan Whelan
- Mei Heron, Political Reporter
- Melanie Earley, Senior journalist
- Melissa Laing
- Melody Thomas
- Meretuahiahi Molyneux-Glen, Henare te Ua Māori Journalism Intern
- Meriana Johnsen, Journalist
- Mervin Johnson , Reporter
- Michael Allan
- Michael Cropp , Reporter
- Michael Pulman
- Michael John Oliver
- Mike Berridge
- Mike Gourley
- Miranda Fisher
- Miriam Buhler
- Moana Ellis, Local Democracy Reporter
- Moera Tuilaepa-Taylor, RNZ Pacific Manager
- Mohamed Hassan
- Mohammad Alafeshat , reporter
- Molly Le Masurier
- Molly Swift
- Monique Steele, Journalist
- Morgan Godfery
- Morning Report
- Murielle Baker
- Murphy, Digital Journalist
- Māni Dunlop
- Naina Rao, RNZ Pacific Guam Correspondent
- Naomi Arnold, Senior long form journalist
- Natalie Akoorie, Waikato senior reporter
- Natalie MacDonald
- Natalie Mankelow
- Natasha Frost
- Natasha Hoyland
- Nathan McKinnon, Visual Journalist
- Neil Sorensen, Sport contributor
- Niamh O'Flynn
- Nicholas Pointon, Business journalist
- Nick Atkinson
- Nick Bollinger, Music Writer
- Nick Butcher
- Nick James, Reporter
- Nick Monro, Video Journalist
- Nick Truebridge, Checkpoint Reporter
- Nicky Hager , Contributor
- Nicky Park, Team Leader Entertainment and Lifestyle
- Nicola Grigg
- Nicola Kean
- Nicole Barratt
- Nicole Pryor
- Nik Dirga
- Nik Jarvie-Waldrom
- Nikki Mandow, RNZ Reporter
- Nina Fowler
- Nine To Noon
- Nita Blake-Persen, Checkpoint reporter
- Niva Chittock, Reporter
- Nobody
- Nobody Nobody
- Norman Zafra
- Oliver Page
- Olivia Allison
- Olivia Round
- Olivia Wilson
- Ollie Neas
- Olly Crawford-Ellis
- Owen Bennett-Jones
- Paloma Migone , Wellington Bureau Chief
- Pam Graham, Local Democracy Reporter
- Paris Ibell, Digital Journalist
- Patrick Campbell
- Patrick Decloitre, Correspondent French Pacific Desk
- Patrick O'Meara, Economics Correspondent
- Patrick Phelps
- Paul Brennan
- Paul Stevens
- Paul Thompson, RNZ CEO and editor-in-chief
- Peter Fowler, Hawkes Bay and Rurals Reporter
- Peter Griffin, Contributor
- Peter Newport
- Peter Wilson, Political commentator
- Peter de Graaf
- Phil McDermott, Contributor
- Phil Pennington, Reporter
- Phil Smith
- Phil Vine, Senior Podcast Producer
- Philip Williams
- Philippa Tolley, Insight Executive Producer
- Phillipa Webb
- Pip Howells
- Pokere Paewai, Māori issues reporter
- Pretoria Gordon, Journalist
- Priti Garude, Journalist
- Quin Tauetau-Tohitau, Social Media Journalist
- RNZ Online
- RNZ Pacific
- RNZ Sport
- Rachael Nath, RNZ Pacific journalist
- Rachel Brandon
- Rachel Graham, Reporter
- Rachel Grunwell
- Rachel Helyer Donaldson, Journalist
- Rachel Thomas, Senior Reporter
- Ravinder Hunia, Sports Journalist
- Rayssa Almeida, Reporter
- Rebecca Kamm
- Rebecca Rice
- Rebekah Parsons-King
- Reece Labuschagne, Digital Journalist
- Reesh Lyon , Reporter
- Renée Iosefa
- Reweti Kohere
- Richard Allardice
- Richard Larsen, Producer - 30' with Guyon Espiner
- Richard Tindiller
- Riley Kennedy
- Rob Dixon, RNZ Visuals Editor
- Rob Hosking , Contributor
- Rob Kelly
- Robbie Nicol
- Robert Smith, Digital Journalist
- Robert Whitaker, Designer
- Robin Dianoux
- Robin Martin, Reporter
- Rosabel Tan
- Rose Archer
- Rosemary Rangitauira
- Rowan Quinn, Senior Journalist
- Ruby Brunton
- Russel Norman
- Russell Palmer, Political Reporter
- Ruth Hill, Reporter
- Ruth Kuo, journalist
- Ryan Eyers
- Sally Round, RNZ Journalist
- Sam Brooks
- Sam Olley, Reporter
- Sam Smith
- Sam Tattersfield
- Sam Wicks
- Samantha Gee, Nelson Marlborough / Te Tauihu reporter
- Samantha Mythen
- Samuel Robinson, Social Media Journalist
- Samuel Wat, Producer - Morning Report
- Samuel White
- Sara Vui-Talitu, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Sarah Batkin
- Sarah Finnigan-Walsh
- Sarah Robson, Producer of The Detail
- Sarah Wilson
- Sarin Moddle
- Saturday Morning
- Saziah Bashir
- Scarlett Cayford
- Scout Barbour-Evans
- Sean Atavenitia
- Sebastian Boyle
- Sela Jane Hopgood, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Semira Davis
- Serena Solomon
- Shamubeel Eaqub, Contributor
- Shannon Gillies
- Shannon Haunui-Thompson, Te Manu Korihi Editor
- Shannon Redstall
- Sharon Brettkelly, co-host of The Detail
- Sharon Lundy
- Shelley Nixon, Digital Journalist
- Sherilee Kahui
- Simon Rogers
- Simon Wharton
- Simon Wraight, Digital Producer
- Siobhan Wilson, Journalist
- Sonia Sly
- Sophia Duckor-Jones, Reporter
- Sophie Barclay
- Sophie Fitzgerald
- Sophie Wilson
- Soumya Bhamidipati, Journalist
- Sri Krishnamurthi, RNZ Pacific Journalist
- Sriram Narayanan
- Stacey Knott
- Stella Blake-Kelly
- Stephanie Brennan, Digital Journalist
- Stephanie Ockhuysen, Senior Journalist, Rurals
- Stephanie Rodgers, Contributor
- Stephen Forbes, Local Democracy Reporter
- Stephen Hewson, Sports Editor
- Steve Wilde
- Sue Teodoro, Local Democracy Reporter
- Susan Botting, Local Democracy Reporter
- Susan Edmunds, Money Correspondent
- Susan Murray, Rural journalist
- Susan Strongman, Senior Journalist, In Depth
- Susan Strongman (The Wireless)
- Susana Leiataua, RNZ National Presenter
- Susie Ferguson, Senior presenter, journalist
- Sylvan Thomson
- Taiha Molyneux, Māori News Editor
- Talei Anderson , Sports Journalist
- Tania Seward
- Tao Lin
- Tayi Tibble
- Te Aniwa Hurihanganui, Long form journalist
- Te Aorewa Rolleston, Reporter
- Te Manu Korihi
- Teresa Cowie, In Depth Reporter
- Tess Brunton, Otago/Southland reporter
- Tess McClure
- Tessa Guest, Morning Report producer
- Te Aniwa Hurihanganui
- Te Arikirangi Mamaku
- Te Hana Goodyer
- The Candle Wasters
- Theresa Cowie
- Thomas Watts
- Tiana Barns
- Tiana Haxton, Journalist
- Tiffany Salmond, Sports contributor
- Tim Batt
- Tim Brown, Senior Reporter
- Tim Dodd
- Tim Glasgow
- Tim Graham , Reporter
- Tim Herbert
- Tim McNamara
- Tobias Brockie
- Toby Manhire, Contributor
- Toby Morris , Cartoonist & Illustrator
- Todd Niall, Auckland Correspondent
- Tom Burridge
- Tom Furley, Reporter
- Tom Phillips
- Tom Riste-Smith
- Tom Taylor, Checkpoint reporter
- Torika Tokalau, LDR Auckland
- Tracy Neal, Nelson Reporter
- Trish Tupou
- Troy Matich, Morning Report producer
- Tuwhenuaroa Natanahira, Māori news journalist
- Uther Dean
- Vanessa Ellingham
- Verity Johnson
- Veronica Schmidt, Executive Editor, Longform Journalism
- Veronika Meduna
- Victor Waters, Journalist
- Victoria Crockford
- Victoria Young
- Vincent Clayton
- Vinnie Wylie, RNZ Pacific Sports Reporter
- Volker Kuntzsch
- Waimirirangi Lee-Reiri, (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu) The TAHI Digital Content Producer
- Walter Zweifel, RNZ Pacific Reporter
- William Ray, Podcasts and Series Producer
- Yadana Saw, RNZ Music reporter / producer
- Yvette McCullough, Senior Political Reporter
- Zac Arnold
- Zac Fleming, Checkpoint Producer
- Ziming Li, journalist
- Zita Campbell, LDR Gisborne
- Zoe Humphrey
- Zoë George, RNZ music journalist and sports podcaster